When thinking about having a security system installed there are six (6) main aspects to consider. Over the next six weeks we will be discussing the values of each.
In general the main aspects of any security system are: (1) yard signs & window/door decals; (2) perimeter window & door contacts; (3) interior protection devices; (4) fire protection; (5) carbon monoxide detectors; and (6) special partitions.
Yard signs and window decals are a small, but very important aspect of a security system. They let potential burglars know that you are protected by an alarm system. A burglar does not want to encounter an alarm system as they generally limit the amount of time they can be in your home and increases the likelihood they will get caught. Place your signs or decals on all sides of the house, so that it cannot be approached without someone knowing you have an alarm system.
If offered the choice to break into your home, which is alarmed and labeled as such, or your neighbors, which is not alarmed and has no window decals or signs, which do you think a burglar would choose?